Giving Donations

To those who wish to donate financially to ministries in the Diocese of Willochra… Greetings.

The “Friends of Willochra” (est. 2007) is the vehicle for promoting philanthropy in, and to, the Diocese.

We are extremely grateful for your financial support of any of the areas which you can access below.

A receipt of your donation will be provided after you have completed the below form.

Please use this form to offer your donation

Direct Deposit details will be supplied in your email

The See Fund

Supports the Bishop and all necessary extra costs.

Ministry Training

is overseen by the Ministry Development Officer and supports ongoing training and education for clergy and laity, including Ordination candidates

Spirituality Ministry

is conducted by a Director who provides ecumenical resources for retreats, seminars, conferences, spiritual direction and is a uniquely funded ministry within the Anglican Church of Australia.

Cathedral Endowment Fund

is to enable the mission and ministry of the Cathedral Church of SS. Peter and Paul in Port Pirie to be enhanced.

Linked Diocese – Mandalay

Our Diocese aims to tithe its income to support overseas Mission through various agencies but specifically to finance development projects in the Diocese of Mandalay in the Province of Myanmar.

Remote Areas Ministry

Our huge Diocese (900 000 sq. kms.) provides ministry to areas in the Gawler Ranges, the APY lands and the north-east.

Mission to Seafarers

Our Diocese has five centres which are part of the world-wide Anglican Mission founded 160 years ago. Our Bishop is co-Chair of the Australia Council of MtS.

Indigenous Bursary

Our Diocese provides financial support for indigenous students entering Year 12 study at schools in the Diocese and aims to help improve the ability of these students to complete secondary education. It has Deductible Gift Recipient status which means that donations over $2 are Tax Deductible within Australia.

Anglicare Willochra

works in partnership with Anglicare SA to fund projects of social justice and home mission. It has Deductible Gift Recipient status which means that donations over $2 are Tax Deductible within Australia.

The Willochra Home

Aged Care Facility in Crystal Brook. It has Deductible Gift Recipient status which means that donations over $2 are Tax Deductible within Australia.

Camp Willochra

This dedicated campsite at the foot of Mount Remarkable in the Southern Flinders Ranges is an outreach to many communities by providing affordable accommodation and conference facilities.

Community of Saints Barnabas and Cecilia

Dedicated to a ministry of music and prayer, this dispersed community of eleven members, clergy and lay, originated in Willochra in 1997.

Other Donation

make a donation for a reason of your choice.