If you are a survivor of abuse that happened in a church setting, whether it happened yesterday or many years ago, in the Diocese of Willochra or elsewhere, and you would like to talk to someone about what happened to you, please get in touch with us.
The Anglican Diocese of Willochra has adopted legislation and procedures for responding to abuse by church workers (clergy, laypeople, volunteers and employees).
Abuse is never the fault of the child or vulnerable person who was abused. Church workers must care for, protect, and respect everyone they have a pastoral or supervisory relationship with, or have personal contact with. Church workers are never to take advantage of their vocation or position. Abuse by a church worker is a betrayal of power and trust.
Help is available
You can talk to the Professional Standards Director
Mobile 0412 256 244
Email psdirector@adam.com.au
The Professional Standards Director is responsible for ensuring that all complaints are responded to quickly by the Diocese of Willochra.
If a child has been abused or is at risk of any form of abuse, contact the Child Abuse Report Line on 131 478.
These services are staffed by professionally qualified and experienced counsellors. They are not employees of the Church
1800 Respect
Telephone 1800 737 732
Website 1800respect.org.au
24/7 telephone and online crisis counselling, information and referral for anyone in Australia who has experienced or been impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence. Staffed by trauma specialist counsellors.
Blueknot Foundation
Telephone 1300 657 380
Website blueknot.org.au
National professional phone counselling, information and support for adult survivors of child abuse with referral database of experienced professionals and agencies. Provides workshops for survivors, family members, partners and friends.
Telephone 1800 272 831
Website bravehearts.org.au
Specialist case management, counselling and telephone counselling for child and adult survivors, non-offending family members and friends. Services include counselling, support engaging with the Royal Commission, preparation of written statements, attending private sessions and public hearings.
Child Wise
Telephone 1800 991 099
Website childwise.org.au
Trauma-informed telephone and online counselling for childhood abuse. Training and organisational capacity building on child abuse prevention.
Elm Place
Telephone 08 8223 4566
Website elmplace.org.au
Elm Place is the home of support services to people whose lives have been affected by institutional and out-of-home care as children specifically, Forgotten Australians, Former Child Migrants, the Stolen Generations and people affected by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Website isurvive.org
We offer support and resources at isurvive. Within our support forums, you will find both open and private areas where you can seek support. As a member, the private forums offer security in the knowledge that public access is restricted. It is sad that so many need a place like isurvive.org but we aim to foster and maintain an environment that proves to be safe, supportive and informative.
In Good Faith Foundation
Telephone 03 9326 5991
Website igff.com.au
Provides independent advocacy, casework, referral and support to aid recovery for victims, their families and communities responding to clergy, religious and lay abuse.
Telephone 131 114
Website lifeline.org.au
24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention.
Nunkuwarrin Yunti of SA
Telephone 08 8406 1600
Website nunku.org.au
Provides counselling, healing and culturally appropriate support for Indigenous Australians.
Relationships Australia SA
Telephone 1800 998 187
Website rasa.org.au
Royal Commission Support Services provides counselling, assistance and support for people who are engaging with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. We can also provide support to family members or other people connected with a person who is engaging with the Royal Commission.
Suicide Call Back Service
Telephone 1300 659 467
Website suicidecallbackservice.org.au
24/7 counselling for people 18 years and over who are suicidal, caring for someone who is suicidal or people bereaved by suicide.
Survivors and Mates Support Network (SAMSN)
Telephone 1800 4 SAMSN (72676)
Website samsn.org.au
Survivors & Mates Support Network (SAMSN) is a not-for-profit organisation working to increase public awareness of the effects that childhood sexual abuse can have on men in their adult lives. SAMSN employs psychologists and social workers who have experience working with male survivors to facilitate support groups for men and their families and supporters.
Victim Support Service South Australia
Telephone 1800 182 368
Website victimsa.org
Provides support, face to face and phone counselling and advocacy to people affected by the Royal Commission, as well as ongoing support for people to engage with the Commission. Services available in Adelaide and 7 country regions.
Some of the contact details above were sourced from this page (Linked to childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/contact) from the Child Abuse Royal Commission