The Mission to Sea Farers

Mission to Seafarers, a ministry of the Anglican Church, operates in hundreds of ports throughout the world. In the Diocese of Willochra, there are Mission to Seafarer Stations at Port Giles, Port Pirie and Thevenard. They provide recreational facilities, counseling and assistance with a range of work-related and personal problems for seafarers of all nationalities and faiths.

At the Mission, the Chaplain or other volunteers give a welcome to South Australia and advice on a whole range of things. The seafarers can change foreign money, buy telephone cards and phone home from the mission. At The Port Pirie Station, access to the Internet is another contact with home which the sailors enjoy. The television and DVD with foreign language CDs, table tennis, snooker and dartboards provide entertainment.

The Mission Stations are able to operate only because of the work of dedicated teams of volunteers and donations from the local communities – individuals, businesses and service organisations, and congregations throughout the diocese.

Donations of cash, magazines and books can be made through the Diocese or direct to:
The Mission to Seafarers Port Pirie:  ph (08) 8632 2057
The Mission to Seafarers Port Giles: ph (08) 8852 6479
The Mission to Seafarers Thevenard: ph 0427 252 052

Phone facilities are well-used by overseas visitors

Pool and table tennis are popular

The Port Giles Mission to Seafarers Station (Lower Yorke Peninsula) won the National Mission to Seafarers Award for the whole of Australia

Fr. Thomas Karama, Joan Correll, Allan Schwartz ( AMSA ), Geoff Harrison ( Chaplain ) , June Harrison.

Representatives from MTS Port Giles and MTS Newcastle and MTS Fremantle.